如何启动、停用vps上运行中的jupyter notebook

first, run jupyter notebook list to get jupyter used port-number.
then,run lsof -n -i4TCP:[port-number]to get PID, The PID is the second field in the output.
finally, run kill -9 [PID]to kill this process.

This works for me when running a jupyter notebook server in the background.

nohup jupyter notebook --allow-root > error.log &

Stop the nohup jupyter notebook is simple.

First, find the pid of jupyter:

ps -ef| grep juypter

e.g output like:

root     11417  2897 2 16:00 pts/0 00:04:29 /path/to/jupyter-notebook

Then kill the process:

kill -9 11417

You can also simplify this by storing the pid with:

nohup jupyter notebook --allow-root > error.log & echo $!> pid.txt

i.e, you can stop the notebook with:

kill -9 $(cat pid.txt)


阅读量: | 柯西君_BingWong | 2018-11-29